SEO: replaced by in best-ranking machine vision camera brands in Google

SEO: replaced by in best-ranking machine vision camera brands in Google

Vision Markets’ Q4/2024 Search Engine Ranking Position report (SERP) shows dramatic changes in the best-ranking domains for the “machine vision camera” keyword. Long-time #1 drops off the top 10 while Teledyne ranks a new domain in the top 10. Cognex shooting star in Q4.

The Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP) of a domain for a given keyword is a good indicator of the strength of a brand as it measures its relevance and authority in its market segment. This is why we at Vision Markets constantly monitor the performance of our clients’ website to improve their performance.


The chart above shows the organic search results for the keyword “machine vision camera” in in the US. They may not reflect results in other countries or Google’s personalized search results based on individual user behavior. This reports only gives a general indication of the search engine power of websites and brands for this specific keyword.

The fall of, the rise of

The sensation of our Q4/2024 SERP update for machine vision cameras is the spectacular drop of The domain has been constantly dominating the chart for years but suddenly dropped off the top 10.

This might be part of a bigger masterplan of parent company Teledyne, though. A new domain appeared on rank #7 in November and December: Teledyne has been consolidating their vision business following a series of acquisitions for years now, but this new domain is a bit of a surprise as it seemed Teledyne Imaging was to be the new umbrella brand. still exists and points to a different website from This is a little bit confusing but may still be work in progress.

We will monitor if the newcomer establishes as Flir’s successor at the top of our SERP chart. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to keep regular updates per email!

Shooting star Cognex

Another spectacular change in Q4/2024 is the performance of Although Cognex is a major player in the machine vision camera market, its website has struggled to even be featured in the top 10, let alone at the top of the chart. was featured in the top 10 rankings only three times on rank #9 from January to September. But in Q4/2024, the domain jumped up to rank #1 on the machine vision camera keyword. Will it succeed in maintaining this leadership in months to come as steadily as did? This will be another captivating trend to follow.

After dropping in Q3, Edmund Optics has caught up again in Q4 and is now back at the top of the chart.

Exotic newcomers

Two newcomers entered the top 10 in Q4. is the most surprising one as it is not really related to the industrial inspection business and will likely not be able to maintain at such a high level. is much more relevant and enters the chart at a respectable rank #6 in December. Wenglor’s website has performed very well for the machine vision light keyword recently so it will be interesting to monitor if they can reproduce this performance for cameras as well.

How is your domain ranking?

How is your website ranking for your target keywords? How do you compare with your competitors? We can help you monitor and improve your performance with SERP reports tailored to your strategy and SEO recommendations to improve your ranking position. Contact us today!

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