How to Split the Global Machine Vision Market in Economic Regions

How to Split the Global Machine Vision Market in Economic Regions

The global Machine Vision market is generating by far the most of its revenue in highly developed countries with a strong industrial output.

When setting up the sales performance reporting, analyzing market sizes, or creating forecasts for our clients, we usually apply the following scheme of economic regions, since it turned out to be adequate for most businesses in Machine Vision:

  • USA
  • Americas w/o USA (i.e. Canada, Mexico, Middle and South America)
  • DACH (Germany – D, Austria – A, Switzerland – CH)
  • EMEA w/o DACH (Europe incl. Russia, Middle East, Africa)
  • China
  • APAC w/o China (Asia-Pacific region without China)

Depending on the use case, a more granular differentiation of regions may be required. Yet, in most of our reports, we stick to the region split mentioned above.

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