SEO update: The top 10 frame grabber brands in Q1/2024

SEO update: The top 10 frame grabber brands in Q1/2024

Q1/2024 shows a lot of fluctuation in the lower part of our top 10 chart. Kaya Instruments and Active Silicon strengthen their position with two pages in the top 10, at the expenses of Zebra.

Vision Markets’ Search Engine Ranking Position Report gives a good indication of who the top players are for specific segments in the machine vision industry. For frame grabbers, we chose the keyword “CoaXPress frame grabber” because “frame grabber” alone also refers to consumer software tools and is not specific enough of our industry.


The chart above shows the organic search results for the keyword “CoaXPress frame grabber” in in the US. They may not reflect results in other countries or Google’s personalized search results based on individual user behavior. This reports only gives a general indication of the search engine power of websites and brands for this specific keyword.

Kaya Instruments and Active Silicon with two pages in the top 10

In Q1/2024, we saw little fluctuation at the top of the chart with Euresys, Kaya Instruments and Bitflow dominating the game. The domain has not (yet?) suffered from the acquisition of Bitflow by Advantech last year. Surprisingly, Teledyne Dalsa, who had disappeared from the top 10 in Q4, is back on rank #4 in March. It will be interesting to see if this is a sustainable comeback in our upcoming Q2/2024 report.

Notably, Kaya Instruments is back to rank 2 after a slight drop in Q4/2023. The company even ranked a second page in the top 10 every month since December 2023. The same applies to Active Silicon, who also ranked two pages in the top 10 every month in Q1/2024. This leaves less rankings available for other domains, so other players have a hard time maintaining or building up their positions between rank #5 and #10.

Tough competition for ranks #5 to #10

As a result, we see a lot of fluctuation at the bottom of the chart. One surprising loser in Q1/2024 is Zebra, who completely dropped off from rank 6 in January. Gidel, who entered the chart in Q4, was not able to sustain its position across Q1. At least it improved its previous performance by ranking #8 in February. RMA electronics, who had been a steady member of the chart for months, dropped off the top 10 in March.

We also see newcomers in the Q1/2024 chart: Basler appears at rank #10 in January and March, and Multipix made a first appearance in March. We will see in Q2 if these domains can improve on these positions.

A YouTube video also came up in March. As we saw with Reddit in the Machine Vision Software report, such major domains are a tough competition for niche players like machine vision companies when it comes to Google rankings. It will be interesting if this YouTube result maintains in Q2 and beyond, blocking another top ranking for actual frame grabber vendors.

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