SEO update: The top 10 machine vision software brands in Q2/2024

SEO update: The top 10 machine vision software brands in Q2/2024

A lot of changes in the Q2/2024 update of our SERP report for machine vision software. Zebra is now taking on the legacy of Adaptive Vision and new players challenge the lower end of the chart.

Vision Markets constantly monitors organic search engine rankings of its clients and their competitors. This gives us a good overview on which brands are the strongest for various segments of the machine vision market.


The chart above shows the organic search results for the keyword “machine vision software” in in the US. They may not reflect results in other countries or Google’s personalized search results based on individual user behavior. This reports only gives a general indication of the search engine power of websites and brands for this specific keyword. losing ground, Zebra on the rise

The top 3 of our SERP report (Search Engine Ranking Position) for the keyword “machine vision software” has always been very stable, with Cognex, and MVTec struggling for the gold, silver or bronze medals- In Q2/2024 however, we see losing ground for the first time, dropping to rank #3 and even rank #4 in June. still performs surprisingly well on that keyword and even makes it to the podium.

Another major trend of this quarter is the completion of the takeover of Adaptive Vision by Zebra from an SEO perspective. We had already noted indications in our Q1/2024 report, leaves the top 10 ranking in May, while made a jump start at rank #4 in May and June.

More new players in the lower end of the chart

In Q1/2024, we saw Advantech enter the top 10 ranking for the first time in February. The domain confirmed it was here to stay in Q2/2024.

Reddit has been a game changer in our chart since the beginning of 2024. Although it slipped down by two ranks in Q2/2024, it still blocks a slot for machine vision software vendor websites in the search result list. In June, a YouTube video entered the top 10 as well with similar consequences. With MVTec now ranking a second page in the top 10 results, room is getting scarce for other companies like Trust Radius, Euresys, or NI.

This is even more the case with two more new domains entering the chart in June: online vendor and Keyence. Are these one-time spikes or will these domains remain in months to come as Advantech did? Stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter to receive or SERP report updates per email!

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