SEO update: The top 10 machine vision light brands in Q4/2023

SEO update: The top 10 machine vision light brands in Q4/2023

Vision Market’s Search Engine Ranking Position report for machine vision light shows a relative stability among the top players between Q3 and Q4/2023.

The variations observed from month to month have little significance and the overall trends on six months is a relative stability.


The chart above shows the organic search results for the keyword “machine vision light” in in the US. They may not reflect results in other countries or Google’s personalized search results based on individual user behavior. This reports only gives a general indication of the search engine power of websites and brands for this specific keyword.

No more surprises in Q4

The two main surprises of Q3/2024 have disappeared in the Q4: Edmund Optics no longer ranks two domains in the top 10 ( and Instead, has gained in popularity and now ranks two different pages in the top 10 in November and December. This is exactly the pattern we had observed in the “machine vision camera” report. The surprisingly good results of Vital Vision in Q3/2023 were not confirmed in Q4.

The disappointing results of CCS is confirmed in Q4/2024: the domain doesn’t make it into the top 10 at all.

At the top of the chart, Smart Vision Lights and Cognex alternate on ranks 1 and 2, while Advanced Illumination and Machine Vision Direct compete on ranks 3 and 4. NI has slightly gained ground at the cost of Opto-Engineering.

What will be the trend in 2024?

It will be interesting to monitor if this stable trend remains in 2024 or if new entrants can challenge the domination of the top players. Be sure to subscribe to our marketing newsletter for regular updates per e-mail!

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